As usual , my pictures are not always relevant to my writings .
I have a good news to tell you guys drum roll "Absolute Gourmet's frozen pizza is launched!! yay!! I feel so ,so happy and I am very pleased with the products and will post some pictures soon on the other blog of mine.of course the frozen food range will expand with time , I have like thousands , well hundreds is more like it ,ideas for the next frozen food range.A very wise person once said to me
you walk before you can run, yes I know this ,but I think there is nothing wrong with to dream of running while you still crawling.
I have to let you know also that lately I've been disturbed with prank calls , you know people who are stupid and wants to know what I'm doing, so they decided to disturb me by calling and asking about my food products , If you want to know the updates about my personal life , come into this blog and while you are at it click on the left ads alright , don't do all this prank call bullshit.You know who you are.I am here to stay in KL because this is the city I was born and If you want to continue disturbing my life, answer it to the authority.You are very sick , keep your craziness to yourself and do something constructive and positive to fill your time and life.Before I left for England again few years go , these are the kind of phone calls that i get on my mobile and they are usually a private call that i don't know the ID , calling me from a Chinese seafood restaurant and community centre when I call back you left but little that you know they had also describe the person who used that phone lasts .Why are you playing games with me? , what trick are playing now? don't trap me into this.Right now I'm going to leave that to that,don't do that again as I can't tolerate it anymore.
I have got to make a move now , with this new products of mine , It keeps me very busy and I have like tonnes of things to do.
Absolute Gourmet's pizza series ...coming to the grocers near you!
cili -there is no way to go except for positive , thanks dear xoxo