Its raining heavily in Kuala Lumpur just now, and there were heavy thunderstorms too.I had been saying to my mother since yesterday that I crave for her delicious Kueh Lopis . Kueh stands for Malay bite size snacks, Most of the Kuehs has coconut milk , grated coconut and glutionous rice as key ingredients and today by my request my mum made some kueh Lopis which is my favourite ! though we don't have any banana leaves my mum had wrapped the glutinous rice with aluminium foil before she steamed it.
Its really ,really good and being a superb Malay lady, my mum makes cute kueh lopis that melt in my mouth blended with its pandan scented -rich glutinous rice.
Before I knew it, I went to the kitchen and made myself some Jasmine rose tea that I got from Dubai ( I know I can't stop talking about Dubai) that not only looks pretty to my eyes , it taste good as well with subtle rose aroma it refreshes and makes one feels very pure and innocent .While looking at the rain through the glass door, like a proper lady I sat on the dining table having my afternoon tea and thought," I am glad I don't have to be out today, if not I could've been stuck in the bad traffic and dark sky like those people out there".
or maybe go to YouTube "ligminca": videos about warrior sillables. There is a site from the institute in US.
These are practices from Bön tradition. You can read about MY experiences in my blog "Lazy Yogi". I don't think I'm a special person, I'm as everybody. More I do this practices (Golden Light specially) more effective they are. In the last time the pain pass "forever" when I do it. At the beginning it was only for some hours (I could sleep all the night for example -if you have pains you know what it means)
I'll add this your blog to the blogroll of my travel blog. You have a very interesting blog.
Oh, my God!!! The Code Word!!! Why you don't change the settings?
Thanks for the link! I'll put up a link to your page later today.
Coconut milk, grated coconut and glutinous rice. How could that be bad? I think I had something similar but cold, they serve it in my favorite Malaysian restaurant in NY. I'm sure it's not nearly as good as your mom's one though!