My ramadhan have been great so far , oh who am I kidding here,there is one hiccups of ramadhan this year... my mum was hospitalised recently and it was not pleasant , everyday I was at the hospital on a very uncomfortable single sofabed that I had to pay etxra for opening them into a bed ,I thought of what the future holds.But now that i am on the tomorrow that i was worrying about today I guess I am ok.As usual I am like a drama magnet, i was not happy at all about the private hospital that treated my mum nevertheless , I would like to say thanks to Dr Kumar , Dr Yazid and Datuk Dr Ryan who are the good doctors for the rest sorry lah... I feel that no matter how straight up bitchy , bossy a person is, if you are a doctor a respectable , noble career, you should leave such mentality at home and be proffessional at what you do , I mean straight up - how can you claim yourself to be a good doctor a specialist if you can even diagnose my mum right and yet did hundres of test , I honestly felt like I was being kidnapped and justneed to pay my ransom at the time!Mom is back on track with her health now! my mum rocks , she is a strong woman raising me and brother on her own and she derserves all the happiness in this world.
view from the ward |
Anyway,Doctor KK Ho my rheumy once again prove that He is a genius , how can this country live without a doctor like him a goood person who is respected and looked up to.I love you Dr KK and I will always pray for your happiness and health with your family.
My ramadhan is filled with break fast buffer non stop , I eat good food everynight and I didn't go to the gym for quite some times I guess you could imagine how I feel... guilt to the max!but yer I do workout at home with my pilates video,For those who expect me to be really chubby after ramadhan , sorry to dissapoint you
buffet is awesome! |
Apart from that , it's all great ...On my birthday Marion 's team from Paris came down to KL and we all went for steamboat, it was great ! this was on top of the party held 2 weeks ago (yes I had my party earlier to respect this holy month)I heard many tings happened after the party and I am glad :)I would also like to say thanks to those who had sent me presents and cards, That's very kind of you guys and let's go for dinner once I am back from down under
Friends through good and bad times |
Not many pictures to put down here lately I am, not too happy with the performance of my Olympus compact camera lately , it's been playing up for a while someone must have dropped them or something.I might as well get a new Canon DSLR which I surveyed and fancy , so look out world for my new toy.
On the business front , my new fashion line will come up , I delayed the launching because I had been very busy , when i am cheffing I gave 100% and not worry about anything, somehow i take my job seriously , it is my soul and my creations using sous vide is always challenging ,I am always racing trying new things in my head.
wearing my own designed top... :) |
I am writing this while making my preparation to fly soon to Australia, a place I have always wanted to be.I am off to change some money now and if i don't speak to you soon , this is my religion to ask for forgiveness and being forgiven on the Eid day, the cleansing of heart and soul, for the lovers people who adores me when I am good or bad,I love you too .
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin