I am not very much of a hair person, my hair are seldom kind to me.

A bottle of my favourite shampoo per month is enough to make me break my brother’s piggy bank quietly back then :P let alone getting my hair mousse , berry hair conditioner etc...
Of course now I don’t need to break any banks as I am currently in good hands.
Walla! This is the hairstyle I had when I was 17 until I decided to keep it long just for a change. Obviously , in this weather where my scalp is constantly in a sauna and I had to wash them every end of the day just because it’s always too warm here it’s not a good idea for me to continue my battle with ‘Mr bad hair day’. One fine day while recovering from my constant cough, I make my mum take me to her hairdresser Anne. So I went ‘chop it baby’
... with that surprised face, she said ‘NO!’
Everyone at the salon were looking at me as they thought I must be insane.
I held her fingers in my right hand , looked into her eyes and said
‘I need this... just do it, please ’
Usually ,people who decided on changing their outlook name it plumping their lips with collagen or shaving their head like a particular popular singer who sang
Some of my memories in this few years aren’t all sweet as I had mentioned in previous post in case you have not read my nagging through that one yet... but not one minute that I have any regrets with the route that I had chosen, there were times that I buried my face into my pillow, , sat in the corner of my room‘s floor feeling devastated of how some people could be so cruel with their lies and deceived me with their sweet words I am not talking romance , it could also be business, work, friendship.
I am sure they had obtained material or emotional satisfaction for doing that to me. I am still the person I am and I don’t have any bitterness towards anyone because I am focus on my own life – my grandpa say that a thief can never live happily ever.
Being Othman’s daughter... we are both resilient and always go through our challenges in life with grace,
because I am ZA’s granddaughter I learnt to be good to others who are good to me.Stay away from people who hurt me and be honest at all time.
Because I am my mum’s daughter I chose to excel and challenge my ability despite of what is lack .
It was such a long road, now, at this junction I am making a right turn and carry on walking until I see another junction again. But for sure, this route that I take will be as bumpy or even worse but at least I am prepared.
If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
As I said... my new year starts now , I making it better than 2009 despite some horoscope thing that had been sending me their offer through my email and said that I’ll be dead(luck-wise) next year.
Looking at my own face while Anne was cutting my hair, I realized that I look better when I smile. This is what I want a short hair that is easy to keep up with my busy work schedule.
Anne gave me back my long ponytail that she had cut off earlier, I buried it deep...
Came back into my house and drank a fruit juice from the bottle and on the label it says “refreshed’. I am indeed!
Before I go...
If I don’t see you until Crimbo....
Have a wonderful Christmas!