Jalan Jalan

The picture kinda says it all, I had a GREAT weeekend and I am starting to understand the meaning of pure happiness and joy of going for a mini city tour.I enjoyed the bar hopping and talking and taking pictures , it was fun fun fun!

Hoping this weekend will treat me well.


bad73tomato said…
i saw u on 23rd nov at pavilion .try to greet u but u walk very fast...sekelip mata dah hilang..masa tu u pakai baju hitam ngan short. anyway...take care...
bad73tomato said…
tuari kami sekeluarga nampak azura kat pavilion...pakai baju hitam tapi azura jalan laju sangat tak sempat nak panggil...hari ahad ptg..anyway...take care yek...assalamualaikum.
OMG! When did you return? I'm glad to see pics and postings! Hopefully I'll enjoy most of KL when I visit with my bf in January! ;)
Aerin crybaby

Oh ye ke !I walk pretty fast they said!waalaikumsalam

I returned quite a while ago baby.You will enjoy KL ..gimme a holla aight if you got time.xx
Anonymous said…
I love the pictures there azura.
So glad you're back at blogging! Keep it up and have a wonderful week-end. :-)