Book+me+editing=major head and heart ache

So let's put that school days journal and other so called storybooks that I written in my exercise books just for me to read together.When it comes to think about it ,I had dreamed of being published since I was 3, soo why now... let me see because I am just plain lazy and there is no one to blame except for me.Making dream a reality is not really my asset feature.

Almost done give me few more bits of time.

I just had realized that since this one whole year and had gone through highs and lows of roller coaster's emotion, there were times I feel like breathing is such a difficult, difficult (said twice to express the intensity) task.I am tired and I am saying this with my open heart spread to you here, for you to see.I am tired T.I.R.E.D. Not having that much choice I am currently picking up those broken pieces and healing my own heart.
It feels weird when you are not living your life 100%,when I was younger I thought it was an early life crisis but now... I think 'hey early life crisis can't last this long!.

So while touching up my first novel, I realized that all this while, despite not living 100% and having a disease that makes me reconsider everything I wanted to do and to be in the future ...I am doing quite ok and surprisingly still wiring here as if I don't have any works to do! again... plain lazy

Taking one day at a time as always.


tiffany said…
dear azura.... i've been ur silent reader for quite some times... and i did noticed there were few times u left comments in my blog...

i'm very proud to know sumone like u, a girl that never ever give up, a girl that have a strong big heart despite of having SLE...

recently, while me staying at the ward temankan mak sakit, a young girl was admitted diagnosed SLE... it reminds me of u... she's only 23, already married and have a small baby... the husband said everything just started 3 months ago.. seeing how hard they're taking it, i told them bout u, every single thing i know bout u and how u deal with this disease.. i'm hoping she'll be strong enuff to get thru this, and perhaps the husband and family will give their fully support...

will be waiting for ur first novel... let me know ya bile dah keluar nnt... All The Best my dear!!!
Dear Doctor Tiffany,
I love reading your blog but lately you kept in on private so I can't read them.
i am very pleased to read what you had said.I am not too well today so reading this is so soothing .
Definitely bila keluar nanti you will know.Nice to have you here! xx