It’s my blog ,and I can cry or whine if I want to

From my Monday till today my head is filled with questions .
Some people had left me in vain and vague, name it personal or business matters.
I think what I had been thinking about this week was a total bloody waste of time and I rather use the time for something more productive. Mind over matter? it’s more like emotions over matter. My heart rules my life, it always does and it got me into trouble many times.I hate waiting .Therefore I turned this computer on and start writing while listening to "Funeral of Hearts" which is my favourite song and the melody kind of inspires me to do many things at least when I am moving ,I'm focus on something else and tends to forget all this questions and thoughts in my head.

As someone said to me yesterday, “you only think about work, worries, chocolate and what to eat next”. That was hilarious and I would like to thank this person in Nottingham for that piece of advice on how we were born , and later we die and what’s in between does not matter. As simple as that it will all be gone, That is his meaning of life or maybe he was just concern about me and what I’m up to .I think we all agree that as much as simple as that, I wish I can do something remarkable while I am still breathing, at least at my funeral someone will say “hey! she did this thing and its good”.

On the other note …worries and emotions aside, I am always tired , I think my new fitness regime is sucking all my energy and my knee cap hurts since yesterday.I feel like staying in bed all day but I got to wake up as it is Saturday.
I am just hoping that all this turmoil in my life will be over soon , Will these questions in my head be answered? Only time will tell …arrrgghhh! Time and waiting is not my favourite word, I know what I want and I want it NOW! But if I never get the answers I understand,that life is filled with unanswered questions and it’s best to just let it go and forgotten.Sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you don’t.

I am off to join my mum for our movie rerun of Koizora –The sky of love, a sad tale of first and true love...I need a good cry anyway.

Have a great weekend ! xx

Note:I can't add a picture here, does anyone know why?The icon where it says add image is not on my page.. sigh.. sorry you can't enjoy my often irrelevant picture.


waliz said…
enjoy yourself azazura...u have great principles and i know u will stick to it....u go girl!
Liudmila said…
It's terrible to give so much value to other persons. Is it possible to satisfy everybody? One 90-years old man gave me an advise when I was sooo upset for people opinions: "F---k you! I go swimming!"
Cheers Waliz!

Liudmila, wow lady ,that man can really curse Ha ,ha.
Anonymous said…
helloooooooooooo...just dropping by to say hi! so HIIIIIII.....pls excuse me, im in my blur-tire-sleep-grumpy mode....sheeeeeshhhh....

im dreaming of panna cota, and vanilla milk shake ......

u take care, enjoy life as much as u can, and thank God, for every new day ..........
Srikanth Siva said…
i am shy to admit this but i cry when i watch movies too :)