So getting this for my 40th birthday
Last week I was thrilled for my birthday , I thought after all that I had been through I deserve to have all the bash(es)and parties.3 years ago i thought that's it , if m not breathing tomorrow i accept it.I never look at death as a tragedy, its metamorphosis and throughout that- I had experienced and turned into various shape, sized , looks etc.Thankfully this story of my life continues, I am alive today , I am here and that's all that matters.
I complained a lot in written and having sayangku azura now , this blog since late last year have become my best friend , something that I wake up to every morning, at least I have friends here and they are always here for me when I need them.
I shared the same birthday with my late father, I lost him when I was barely 11 and on the day i was born he got promoted so I was a gift to him , like a little present that later turn into the reason why he need aspirins and earplugs,Of course never celebrated anything after he died,whether its My birthday or Hari Raya I am running away from really celebrating it.Its not the same.I think that's how it have always been practised here in my house we celebrate things that we achieved like job promotions and such ,but we hardly celebrate birthdays.I don't have a clear reason why , it sort of comes naturally.For my mum's her birthday is only days after he died and for me, we shares the same birthdays.
In contrary to how I had felt last week , I got kind of reluctant to really talk about it this week , and I am not really that bothered anymore to have a birthday do,besides I had gone nuts twice this week with my friends, and work and family matters too has taken so much space in my head, that I have stop thinking of myself and only myself for few days now.
And being off working for people now, no colleagues will be here to give me prezzies and things,back then without me knowing it there are always shaking hands, cuddles,kisses , surprises and teddy bears- thank you guys ;).but this year I don't feel like it ( We don't know if I change my mind later ) Evaluating what I had and had not achieved in my life is making it worst, maybe I should just lie about my age!(then , I suddenly realized while typing this, that it might not be a bad idea)
Happy birthday(my good friends who are getting older in these few days to come)
Lindsey ,Susie, Marion,
I love you girls !xx
About the Author
The writer is still not sure if she is happy or not to be a year older on this coming August 25th.She thinks that she have not achieved much in her life and wish she had done more,Therefore to make up with the years wasted when she was ill and paralyzed she has decided that might as well lie about her age.
I am Azura , I am 22 years old *wink*
Your Birthdate: August 25 |
You excel at anything difficult or high tech. In other words, you're a total (brilliant) geek. It's difficult for you to find people worth spending time with. Which is probably why you'll take over the world with your evil robots! Your strength: Your unfailing logic Your weakness: Loving machines more than people Your power color: Tan Your power symbol: Pi Your power month: July |
Takpelah hot spicy geeky babes.xoxo
I am curious too, how old are you ... really? xoxo