Selamat pagi ,Good morning

It's official- I cannot live without the Internet,It is the source of everything and I have even start to dream about it. Last night , I dream that my computer caresses me while I was asleep and when I got up I realized that it was just a dream, a sexy dream of me and my computer.
The rise of the petrol and diesel is a big news at this moment , announced on last night's news and everybody is complaining and few of my friends has decided to be green by reducing their carbon footprint by cycling to anywhere they want to go , though I don't believe they would actually practise that ... just imagine my friend Siti (her real name, she is called something else now) would wear her grey knee lenght skirt , black DKNY jacket,Chanel shades and high heels...then, she puts on her helmet or maybe not, it will ruin her runway ponytail, cycling from one appointment to another in this humid city... that would be "nice" in this tropical country.With this price hike I hope some Cabinet Ministers would stop making statements like -
"the fuel price are much expensive in Singapore and even the UK- Malaysia is still among the cheapest".

We all know this and we wish we could also say the same about minimum wages and income per capita of average Malaysian.Since now the price has gone up , there is nothing much we could say, and if one person ever come to me and say "you seldom drive and why are you nagging?"I will smack the person's head as I know that my food and my medicine will increase in prices.My plaquenil now is RM180 per box of 60pills , that is pretty expensive at this moment , and I don't know how much will all my drugs shopping will cost next month .More reasons to hate Lupus.

I am jumping into bed again soon after eating my medication , I feel very tired and fragile lately everything from my scalp to my big toe hurts .I just want to take a long nap.

Happy Birthday to YOU!my friends who are celebrating their Birthdays this week
Michelle :the author of Arimayas heart who is celebrating her birthday today
My best friend Rick , tomorrow .
An old friend of mine Saufian, on Saturday
A very talented musician Pacai, on Saturday

wishing them a great birthday !

I've finished my chocolate drink and now I want to get my toast and my cocktail of medicines.You all have a great day !


Anonymous said…
Now you need to write a post about the dream you had with your computer. hehe. :-)

Gas prices are going crazy here too. sigh*
Michelle said…
Hello my sweet friend :)
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!
I hope that you have a great, pain-free day
Julie said…
What did we ever do without the internet? I hope that you have a great, pain-free day, too!
Zen Chef
and Malaysia produce oil too.. sigh, I would if you promise not to think that I'm a freak he he :)

My pleasure hope you had a nice one.Thanks for the wishes.

It's not aluxury anymore isn't it?