I am an aspiring, striving businesswoman , I work hard .I have great customers ,staff ,suppliers and friends whom I like to address as supporters.But sometimes people from none of the categories above who has the authority or think they are bigger than me enjoy stranggling me till I choke.I am the kind of person who likes to believe that life is for living and it is easy until recently I was dosed with arrogance and bully. Great news for those people, they had succeed in making me feel sad,small and upset,congratulations you had successfully ruin the spirit of a hardworking woman.At times i'd said I don't need all this! I can go back to being a bummer and go on holidays and have coffees with my "girls" which consist of my mum , my grandma and girlfriends, go to parties , wake up late and do nothing.BUT I had chose this life , though sometimes I would like to verbally express dramatically that >> this is not the life that I want<< , you know all this stress and people I don't like to liaise with, because they are awful...I think I want to save that line that I had put arrows on , maybe I don't want to say it at all because I love cooking and I hate doing nothing or be a bummer and sans those idiots , I am having a good time, really.
I am not familiar with handling jerks and ....(you all know what I was about to say on the dots , but I have young children and relatives reading this .
Giving up is never an option
I want to be that women who runs a successful food business because I know I can be and I can do it ,I want to be that women who is happy and healthy,I want to be THAT women who fight well when she face hardship.Am I that women?Is it so wrong to have such ambition just because I am a women?should I let discrimination walk all over me and break my spirit?
Only time will tell .I am going to take hardships,jerks and difficulties as challenges and read all those motivational notes and messages I received.I will be Ok , I had been going through some tsunamis and typhoons in my life, and I know this one will be gone soon .I put my chin up and I hope and pray that I will succeed and keep my heart strong.Never, ever give up.
For now, I want to soak myself with some posh toiletries that I got as a gift, and really pamper myself.Goodnight and i would like to thank you to some other supporter a.k.a those who had commented on my blog recently and so often motivates me with your kind words, you all have no idea how mush those words cheered me up and lifted my spirit.Thank you. xxxxxxx
Its been quite while since my last visit, I just finished work, study, family matters and for a while i wanted to visit you to see how r u doing. its always nice to be here :)
well yeap Life is not for quitting, I am always running and challenging myself to the extreme, its tiring sometimes but all that I counts in my life is the moments of hardships and how I stood up and fought them. These are for me great memories.