no more tears.

If only my sadness at this moment could be measured it would be kilometres far.


saxyphone said…
hey.. I just want you to know..

someone in Singapore is sending out prayers to you... that hopefully this feeling you have inside you will obliterate asap. :)

Hugs. xoxoxo
Trix said…
Az...why sad?? I wish I could swallow up all that sadness,I really do!All I can do is send you hugs,support and all my Love.Hope tomorrow will bring you release from the sadness,Angel.Take it slow,one step at a time...and dont push yourself too hard :)
Trix said…
Az...why sad?? I wish I could swallow up all that sadness,I really do!All I can do is send you hugs and all my Love.Hope tomorrow will bring you release from the sadness,Angel.Take it slow,one step at a time...and dont push yourself too hard :)
Julie said…
I just want you to know that you have love and support over here! I agree with Jesse....take things slow, one day at a time. And if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know, OK?