Trying to keep up with you

For those who are still reading this space of mine, THANK YOU so much, you are  at the moment  the sole reason for me to continue on writing, especially after I lost all my photos  last year due to the syncing  "sinking" issue.
I definitely missed writing but within these  few years I had been really busy with traveling for work and working and working ....but that's not the excuse, i can always make time to do things I love, but the truth is also I am shutting it to myself most of the things that I  wanted to write can sometimes pointed  towards complaining and I want to avoid that this is the bad part about not blogging anonymously.

I spent so much time in Italy last year and I must admit that I am happy at the moment work wise and healthwise.

Since writing this blog I had gone through a roller coaster ride with my personal life, my health, emotion and  career, despite all that, I still at some point of my life will publish my  novel and my food book, i promised  this, but I do not know when it will finish up!.

What's new? got myself a new car, new  macbook  and just got back from Italy and made some new friends.I will at some point update with new pictures, just because this is a new macbook and the cable from my canon  dslr does not fit this  computer...there you go , another dilemma to solve.

the new innovative flavor from be honest is the best place to work, what you see is what you get, we are  GENUINE, 

With Chef Mario Caramella, to me ...he knows his food and what an intelligent guy 

on the way to the ATM machine in singapore.

that's what I call breakfast!

Hello kitty!

Journey to work

At Dr Yusof and Dr Noraini's place in Dengkil

In Bologna with Deborah and Domenico

I think i got too greedy the other day.
